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米歇尔·普莱桑斯博士 院长 教授

2022-03-03  点击:[]

  在厄瓜多尔的基多和哥斯达黎加的埃雷迪亚攻读本科学位时,米歇尔·普莱桑斯博士(Dr. Michelle Plaisance)萌生了对国际英语教学 TESOL)的兴趣。随后,普莱桑斯博士在夏洛特的北卡罗来纳大学攻读 TESL(英语教育学)硕士学位。毕业后在北卡罗来纳州公立学校担任英文教师。几年后,普莱桑斯博士回到北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校(UNCC) 攻读都市文学的博士学位,主修英语教育学。

  普莱桑斯博士于 2014 年进入格林斯伯勒大学工作,担任国际英语教学项目主任,现担任英文教授和人文学院院长。她致力于将格林斯伯勒大学的国际英语教育项目打造成为该国最强大、最严格和最具活力的语言教育学位项目之一。普莱桑斯博士通过将创新的在线课程和传统的在校课程相结合,在综合学习计划的开发方面发挥了独特的作用,从而为那些从事非母语对象英语教学的教育工作者们提供了能力提升机会。此外,对学习和终身教育的热情,更使她愉悦地投身于研究生的培养和教育中。


     Dr. Plaisance fell in love with the world of TESOL during her undergraduate studies in Quito, Ecuador, and in Heredia, Costa Rica. Forced to eventually settle in one hemisphere, she pursued her MAT in TESL from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. After some years of experience as an ESL teacher in NC public schools, she returned to UNCC to pursue her doctorate in Urban Literacy, with a TESOL concentration. Dr. Plaisance joined Greensboro College in 2014 as the TESOL program director and is now a full professor of English/TESOL and the dean of the School of Humanities. She has worked to build the GC TESOL program into one of the most robust, rigorous, and dynamic TESOL degree programs in the country. Through a combination of innovative online curricula and traditional residential options, Dr. Plaisance has played an integral role in developing a uniquely comprehensive program of study with choices for every educator considering a career in teaching English to non-native speakers. She’s passionate about learning and life-long education, which makes her job in graduate studies one of her greatest pleasures.

     Most recently, Dr. Plaisance has assumed the role of director of international partnerships at Greensboro College. In this position, she has enjoyed connecting and communicating with institutes of higher education around the world to develop innovative programs that expand international opportunities for students around the world.

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